Unit frames addon wow
Unit frames addon wow

  • Optional 3D Portraits for player, pet, target, focus, party.
  • Raid Tooltip will show combat rezzers available (druids with Rebirth ready (or very soon available) and any normal rezzers out of combat) if you bring up tooltip of a dead person.
  • Raid Target icon support for Target, Target's Target, MT Targets.
  • unit frames addon wow

  • Raid Frames, buff icons, MT list units and some other portions or X-Perl are created on demand.
  • Priority given to show debuffs that 'you' can cure first.
  • Debuff Highlighting in standard debuff colours on all friendly frames.
  • Regardless of how many other heal over time buffs are on the raid members, you can keep track of your own ones and when they expire.
  • HoT Monitor will highlight units clearly that have 'your own' active Heal over Time spells.
  • Range Finder (combined with optional health check and/or debuff check) for all frames based on spell or item range test.
  • unit frames addon wow unit frames addon wow

    X-Perl UnitFrames is a complete replacement for Blizzard's default unit frames, including raid frames and raid tools.

    Unit frames addon wow